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1) When the Lincoln family went on some distance, they heard a loud barking behind them. Looking back, they saw the timid little dog on the other side of the stream. He was running up and down the bank. The boy, Abe, ran back and tried to coax him to cross on the thin ice. But the frightened little animal could not be coaxed. He was afraid the ice would not bear even his light weight. "We shall have to go on without him,” said the older ones of the family. "The roads are so deep with mud that the oxen cannot turn back.” "But he will starve, or freeze,” said little Abe. "We can't be so cruel as that. Listen how he whines!” Abe sat down and quickly pulled off his heavy shoes and stockings. Then he waded back through the cold water. The happy little dog jumped all over him in his joy.

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