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It is well-known that food means a lot to people in China, which can be seen from the old Chinese saying that bread is the staff of life. "Food culture" as the first major culture in China prminently features among all the sub-systems of Chinese national culture. Guizhou, located on Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest China and having beautiful sceneries and pleasant climate, is one of the most famous gourmet provinces in China. Nurtured by such a long history of gourmet culture and inspired by the local natural environment, natural resources and conditions and customs, people of all ethnic groups of Guizhou created the delicacy with their unique flavor. Due to different geographical environments, natural resources and climate conditions, their food culture and custom are also different.
The thesis, based on the knowledge of author in tourism management, hotel management, ect. and lots of literature materials and studied from the related theories, expounds the relevant concepts in traditional Miao food culture in Guizhou, discloses the shortcomings in the development of the traditional Miao food culture in Guizhou, analyzes the development position and development prospect of the basis of traditional Miao food culture for the travel industry in Guizhou, focuses on the highlight in the development of the traditional Miao food culture in Guizhou and takes the path of development with travel indurstry full of colorful Guizhou characteristics.
Key words: travel industry in Guizhou, traditional Miao food culture, basis, development prospect

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