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莫言获得诺贝尔奖后得到极大的关注和赞誉,很多出版社愿意将莫言的作品选入中学语文课本.然而,此事引起了热议和争论.请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你对此事的看法,以刊登在校报Happy Teens栏目.
你的观点     (1)…(2)…
After Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,many publishing houses would like to include some of his works into textbooks for high school students.This has caused a lively discussion and a heated debate.
After Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,many publishing houses would like to include some of his works into textbooks for high school students.This has caused a lively discussion and a heated debate.(引出争论话题)
Those who are in favour of the idea believe that a Nobel Prize winner is definitely an excellent writer,so it's quite natural that his works be included into textbooks.(高分句型一 )As a matter of fact,the inclusion can arouse the students'sense of pride and encourage them to like literature better.Besides,good textbooks always keep pace with the time.However,some argue that some of Mo Yan's works are not appropriate for high school students.What's more,they say that publishers should focus on good reading materials for textbooks instead of famous writers.Therefore,we cannot be too careful in updating textbooks.(正反观点)
From my point of view,Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer ever to win a Nobel Prize in Literature,and it is a great help to students if they can be exposed to the latest literary works.(高分句型二) At the same time,publishers should choose from his works the materials suitable for students.(作者的观点)

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