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王林,男, 1975年出生于四川成都,现住人民路148号。电话:5554321。职业:律师,大学毕业;擅长英语,懂些日语。有三年的工作经历,工作认真,待人诚恳,与人和睦相处。
Dear Mr Brown:
 I’m Wang Lin, male.                                                      
Dear Mr Brown:
Firstly, please let me introduce myself to you. I’m Wang Lin, born in Chengdu, Shichuan in 1975. I show interest in your company and am going to apply for a position in your company. I graduated from college three years ago and since then I have worked as a lawyer. I’m good at English and know some Japanese. I always work hard and am careful in everything that I do. I am honest, kind and easygoing. I am married and live at No.148 People’s Road, and my telephone number is 5554321. If I am accepted, I’ll do my best. I am sure I will be fit for the position.
Hope for an early reply.
Yours faithfully,
Wang ling
