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以下 句子翻英文 怎麼翻
- 友谊是人们在交往活动中产生的一种特殊情感,.友谊是一种来自双向(或交互)关系的情感,即双方共同凝结的情感,任何单方面的示好,不能称为友谊.友谊是能够向朋友表露自己的思想感情和内心秘密能够对朋友充分信任,不会被轻易外泄秘密或反对自己;(3)限於被特殊评价的友谊关系中,即限於少数的密友或知己之间.
我选择这个主题的原因是因为我觉得友谊是个很重要的课题在每个人的人生当中和朋友的关系是很密切的 友谊会影响每个人的价值观每个人对友谊的看法都不同我也是我认为友谊可以是负面的也可以是正面的负面的友谊会让你不相信朋友会认为朋友是现实的只是互相利用对方而已正面的友谊会让你感觉很舒服很轻松没有压力
当我有课业上的问题时她有时候会帮助我但有时候不会有时候当我问她成绩的时候或者如何提高成绩如何读书什麼的她都不太愿意告诉我 几句话打发我感觉她对我有所隐瞒 让我觉得不舒服
- Friendship refers to the positive emotion or feeling between humans or animals, or it can also refer to an affectionate interactions, companionship, and relationship. Friendship involves mutual understanding, respect, and affection. If a good companionship or rapport exists between two people, they call each other friends.
- Friendship is a special kind of emotion, which people develop through interactions with one another. Friendship is a mutual feeling of affinity, namely the aggregation of mutual sentiment. Any unilateral display of appreciation cannot be called a friendship. A friendship is that one can express innermost thoughts, feelings, and secrets, and trust someone completely without the consequence of fearing neither secrets being exposed nor any opposition; (3) It’s limited only to those of the best assessment of benign relationships, that is, limited to a small group of crony or confidants.
The reason for choosing this topic is that I think friendship is a very important subject. Friendship plays an intimate role in everyone's life. It will affect everyone’s values and points of view. Everyone sees friendship differently. I think that friendship can be negative, but it can also be positive. Friendship sometimes makes you unable to trust others. You may think that people are materialistic and that friends are just an relationship in which people use one another. Despite of those negative impacts, a positive friendship will make you feel very comfortable, very relaxed, relieving any pressure what so ever.
I once had a friendship which was deeply imprinted on my memory. It happened while I was studying in senior high school. I had a very good friend who was also an Asian, and she studied very well. We became friends because we had common interests. When I encountered difficulties in my school works, sometimes she would help me, and sometimes she would not. Oftentimes, when I asked about her grades, how to improve my grades, or something of similar nature, she would be rather reluctant to respond. She would often sent me away with just a few words. It made me felt very uncomfortable, as if she was hiding something from me,
On top of that, this friend of mine was rather emotional. When she was upset, not only would she not talk to me, she would also pull a long face. Consequently, this made me unhappy as she took all of her miseries out on me. Later on, there were also some thing she did which made me believe that she was very selfish and would only think about herself. Afterwards, I had a feeling that our relationship wasn’t a true friendship, I felt as if our friendship was fake. After graduation, we rarely contacted one another. Because of this friend, my view on friendship altered slightly. I believe that while friendship can be false at times, it can also be true. Whether or not it is true friendship depends on what type of person one's friend is.