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“Package Holidays” are becoming more and more popular.That is the sort of holiday many people are going on.A travel agency has chartered the plane thy are going to travel in,reserved the hotel rooms they will stay in and even ordered the food they will eat.That is why it is called a package holiday.Such holidays are usually rather cheap.That is probably why they are so popular.But not everybody likes them.Some people say you do not see very much of the country you go to.
Some young people are going abroad,too.But they are not going on a package holiday.And their holiday will not be very expensive,either.They will probably walk most of the way.Sometimes they will get “lifts” in trucks or cars.They will stay in youth hostels.Sometimes they will even sleep in parks or fields.That is how a lot young people see the world these days.
1.In a package holiday,a travel agency will _______ for the travelers.
A.hire the plane and order the food
B.book the hotel and order the food
C.order the food,hire the car and book the hotel
D.book the hotel,order the food and charter the plane
2.What is the reason that package holidays are so popular?
A.You can see very much of the country
B.Package holidays are rather cheap
C.Package holidays are quite expensive
D.You can walk most of the way
3.According to the passage,how do a lot of young people see the world these days?
A.go on a package tour
B.travel by plane and in their own car
C.walk most of the way and sometimes get lifts
D.stay at expensive hotels
4.Why do the young people sleep in parks or fields?
A.to get more funs
B.to save money
C.to frighten others
D.to know more about the society
5.If young people get “lift” in trucks or cars,what will happen?
A.They don’t need to pay
B.They must drive by themselves
C.They have to clean the trucks or cars
D.They will go abroad
1.D (A travel agency has chartered the plane thy are going to travel in,reserved the hotel rooms they will stay in and even ordered the food they will eat.)
2.B (Such holidays are usually rather cheap.That is probably why they are so popular.)
3.C (But they are not going on a package holiday.+They will probably walk most of the way.Sometimes they will get “lifts” in trucks or cars.)
4.B (And their holiday will not be very expensive,either.)
5.C (不一定对,但是clean可以作为lift的报酬)

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