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Have you heard of Gangnam Style? What do you know about the singer who sings this song?
PSY comes from                                                                                      
Let’s sing and dance to the song Gangnam Style together now!

Have you heard of Gangnam Style? What do you know about the singer who sings this song?
PSY comes from Korea. His nickname is Uncle Bird. He was born in December 11, 197
7.He is fat and has small eyes. He always wears a pair of sunglasses and this makes him very cool. He speaks both Korean and English. He has a sister and he lives with his father. He got married in 2006 and has twin daughters. He is an experienced singer and he is good at Hip-Hop and Rap Music. His main songs are Birds, Gangnam Styles and so on. Gangnam Style is one of his most popular songs. It made him famous immediately throughout the world, This song is liked by people of all ages. And it has turned into many other kinds of “styles”
Let’s sing and dance to the song Gangnam Style together now!


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阅读下面的文字,完成下列各题。达尔文的拖延--斯蒂芬•杰•古尔德①没有什么事比一些名人长期而难以解释  2021-01-02 …

阅读下面的文字,完成下列各题。达尔文的拖延斯蒂芬•杰•古尔德没有什么事比一些名人长期而难以解释的停滞  2021-01-02 …

阅读下面的文字,完成题目。达尔文的拖延①没有什么事比一些名人长期而难以解释停滞行为更能引发人们猜测的  2021-01-02 …