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全球化的浪潮推动着世界各个国家和地区不断的交流与融合,贸易自由化成为世界经济发展的趋势,备受关注.然而,文化贸易却颇具特殊性,诸如法国、加拿大等一些国家把文化产品视为“例外” ,通过补贴、关税等各种方式对文化贸易加以保护.因为每一种文化都隐含着不同的社会利益,价值取向以及社会成员对生活方式的认可或否认,文化产品的进出口贸易对一个国家的影响并不仅仅在于经济层面,同时还涉及到国家的政治统治和文化利益.于是世界范围内保护文化贸易的斗争没有停止过.
The wave of globalization of the world to promote the various countries and regions of the exchange and integration,trade liberalization become the trend of world economic development,cause for concern.However,the trade are fairly unique culture,such as France,Canada and some other countries of the cultural products as "exceptions",through subsidies,tariffs and other means of cultural trade protection.Because every culture is fraught with different social interests,values and lifestyles of the members of the community recognized or deny the import and export trade of cultural products of a country is not only the impact of the economic level,but also related to national political domination and cultural interests.So the protection of cultural trade worldwide struggle never ceased.
The protection of cultural trade in the objective of safeguarding the world's cultural diversity,cultural diversity arising from the conflict as a natural barriers to the country's trade structure and trade gains will certainly have an impact,the article will adopt this model Ricardian trade analysis and verification.
China is a big cultural country,trading power,should consider the appropriate use of cultural conflict formation of cultural barriers to protect its trade,and thereby protect its economic and cultural interests.

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