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That the government treats environmental protection as a basic state policy is critical to realization of sustainable development. The event being initiated is aiming at meeting the demand of intensifying the cultivating of urban civilization so as to reach the objective of building and protecting eco-system for sustainable development. it is also a campaign for environmental protection with special consideration given to geographical condition of Chengdu (where the such conditions is favorable with the largest forest park suited there) that comes as the review of civilized city of national level carried out in order to raise the social profile of Zhong hai international, and strive to promote Zhong hai international into an identity of this city. In addition, such effort is also beneficial to enhance the environmental awareness of communities and households, promoting environmental awareness among the community, putting environmental protection into the high agenda of management system of civilized community so that community residents can practice environmental protection and energy conservation in their daily lives. The beauty and unique charm of this community rely on the fact that it’s an reflection of awareness embodied in people’s mind by environmental protection campaign rather than construction and maintenance effort by the workers that enable such charm and beauty prevail the community.What‘s more, such environmental campaign can also raise the social responsibility and environmental awareness among the youth and promote their own capability while cultivating the a favorable climate for building a green community and making their minor contribution to the cause of environmental protection.
1. Through activities, we will vigorously popularize environmental-protection knowledge among community residents to improve their environmental awareness, cultivating social responsibility and fine virtue for promoting social and community development of the residents,
2. Learn and master some common environmental knowledge and practice some readily-to-do activities for environment protection;
3. In educating community residents, the environmental-protection awareness, knowledge of the staff can be improved to create an environment with a higher attention to of environmental protection and the right atmosphere of morality so as to expand the beneficial effect of such campaign.
4. Through this activity, the residents of the community have formed stronger emotional links and responsibility toward their community in building green, harmonious communities and promoting social morality , harmony as well as enhancing social profile of the community.

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