早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


要英语口试了,事件分析,下面是题目,Orz……俺已经没有财富值了,但还是厚着脸皮跪求英语强人们帮忙写写吧 每个问题一分多钟就可以,明天十点之前用啊!躬
1.What are some of the major differences in customs between US and China?
2.Many people are concerned about a dangerous tendency that the Chinese culture is confronting “westernization”.What do you think of this issue?
3.Is our planet dying?What are the ways to preserve it?
4.What kind of music do you prefer,classical music or pop music?Why?
5.How do you understand the statement that “there is no such thing as ‘love’”?What is your definition of “love”?
6.What’s your attitude towards campus love?
7.Would you like to marry a man or a woman from another culture?Why or why not?
8.Do you believe that commercials show you the truth?Give reasons.
9.What are the positive and negative social effects of ads?
10.Why do you think an increasing number of people keep pets?
11.Do you think it’s appropriate for man to kill some animal for scientific or medical research?Explain your answer.
12.Some girls have taken to wearing revealing clothes on campus.What do you think of it?
13.If you are given a chance to study abroad,where (in which country) do you want to study?Why?What might be the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
14.Why are parents often worried about the growth of their children?
15.How do you feel about being a second-hand smoker?
16.We are living in a competitive world.People nowadays are having greater pressure in work and life.More and more people begin to develop psychological problems.What are your suggestions to solve them and keep mentally healthy?
17.Do you believe that power and money can bring anyone happiness?Why or why not?
18.How do you feel about life in the modern world?Who do you suppose is happier,you or your parents?Why?
19.Is money the most important thing in your life?If not,what is it and why?
强人们多写点啊 每个问题最少得150个单词吧
1. Chinese custemers are focus on the brand and price, U.S people are more focus on the quanlities.