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希望能包含这些词:放鞭炮 吃饺子 吃团年饭 拿压岁钱 看春节联欢晚会 舞龙/狮 拜年
And many others, I also think that everyone is not much feeling the New Year; and many others, I will always miss the childhood New Year's time. Miss, not because that was a lot of good New Year, may be just a nostalgic for it.

Childhood New Year time for me, and not much fun, though by then full of flavor. In the so-called taste are reflected in over a month before the beginning of the hustle and bustle. Although not very old, but I have and adults busy for the New Year. Father was a very lazy person, siblings are small, as the eldest of four siblings, heavy labor will naturally fall on my mother's shoulders. New Year New Year to be busy. The New Year was all hand-made their own homes. Steamed rice cake, steamed bread, tofu, baked pancake, everything is deliberately, speaking simple, but it is a Road program, and some use the flatbed truck pulled into the mill ground into powder and then things started to do some and even that is pushing a little bit of grinding out stone, cumbersome and complex. I was so busy with the mother behind, morning and afternoon, until the New Year's Eve to all live busy, then busy Zhawan Zi, fried peanuts, fried melon seeds. These activities are simple, all I am a person busy.

Thirty at night New Year's Eve, a man sitting dumplings, it is mainly busy with my mom. Impressed me most was when dumplings are vegetarian, some cabbage add pasta, add some pickled cabbage vermicelli. Because my family was poor, said on several kilograms of meat a rare New Year, the mother could not bear to eat, keep the house guests to eat years later. At that time my heart is always thinking, what to eat on New Year's last meal and meat dumplings, plus nice ah. Pack finished dumplings, my mother at home and then clean up the pack, I went to a neighbor led the brothers and sisters at home and watch the party. Television is my home I can afford in high school, that was the mid-nineties of the last century. Before we look at the party only to the neighbor to see.

Happy New Year if there is, that is, stopping by New Year's Day to New Year, can recover a lot of snacks to eat, what fritters ah, candy, ah, ah melon seeds, peanuts, ah, to eat what they eat less than usual, which is The greatest pleasure of the New Year. Family was poor, not on the Chinese New Year is wearing new clothes, so now I wear new clothes on New Year there is no concept. More can not get some money then, so big, I've never won some money from their parents there. Early masters of the poor children, and I was never envious of partners who can get some money, I can understand the difficulties their parents.

Now think back to when the Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is definitely no fun now. Compared to then, now the New Year just as comfortable as in heaven. Why do we always think of can be tasteless, and can not find the original sense of it? Our hearts may be indifferent to the bar. Material wealth and improve our lives; busy rhythm and disrupt our state of mind. We lost and lonely, can not stand busy. Too busy, and we complain too tired; too busy, we will feel very boring. We have everything materially, but in the end that my heart is empty. Do not know if that is not a tragedy.

Perhaps my personal New Year is always a lot of regret, therefore, although the taste is not strong Chinese New Year, but I still treasure and enjoy this feeling. Day free to spend their time, freely dispose of their feelings, how good it is to enjoy ah. Regardless of how others, the annual taste out of their own too. Enjoy a happy holiday, leaving a Xianxin, have a meditation, a little more carefully, add a little enthusiastic, can still have a mind to enjoy the Spring Festival.






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