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Now more and more students,senior or junior,even the pupils in primary schools,are near-sighted.For example,sixty percent of the students in our class wear glasses.How serious the situation is! What cause them to be near-sighted? It is because we read books all day,so eyes are too tired. At the same time,most of us don't pay attention to the right posture of writing. It is well-known that eyes are the important part of our body.We use them to see all the things around us.Without eyes we can not study or work well.So people say eyes are the window of the soul.Of course,glasses are a great help if we are near-sighted.But it is inconvenient with glasses on your face . Though everyone knows the importance of our eyes, not all of us understand how to protect them.I think we should. First,after we have worked for about an hour or so, we'd better let our eyes have a rest--either close the eyes for a short time or look into the distance. Second ,we should't read in the sun,or in a poor light,or in a moving bus,and do remember reading on bed is a bad habit.Third,we should pay attention to the distance from eyes to the book. Don't read too close the book.Finally,we shoule insist on doing eye-exercise day. In short,we should try our best to keep our eyes bright. Notes: 1.posture:n.the way a person holds his body 姿势. 2.inconvenient:adj.troublesome 不方便

小王和小江参加一个会议.在会议室里小王看到参加会议的人不戴眼镜的是戴眼镜的两倍;小江看到戴眼镜是不  2020-04-27 …

求一篇以"眼光"为题目的作文眼光是一种关注,有时透出严厉,有时充满温情;眼光是一种洞察,很多东西往  2020-05-17 …

眼光世界为话题的作文以“你以怎样的眼光看世界,世界就给你怎样的东西”的800字的议论作文求回复  2020-06-05 …

写一篇800字左右关于说“苦”的议论文我们语文老实布置的,800字议论文,关于说“苦”.没什么其它  2020-06-13 …

阅读下面的文字材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的议论文或记叙文。(70分)著名作家麦家认为,人生  2020-06-14 …

话题“大地上开满鲜花而牛眼里却只有饲料”的作文议论文800字左右  2020-06-30 …

为什么老师读着小学生写的作文,眼眶湿润了?春天,两鬓斑白的女教师,带着一群活泼可爱的小学生在校园的  2020-07-01 …

看待人的眼光议论文以看待人的眼光为话题的议论文.内容大概是用不同的眼光看一个人可有多种感受等等,最好  2020-11-25 …

看待人的眼光议论文以看待人的眼光为话题的议论文。内容大概是用不同的眼光看一个人可有多种感受等等,最好  2020-11-25 …

作文换一种眼光的论据作文以换一种眼光为题写一篇议论文本人知道的议论文论据稀少求有关这题目的论据谢谢拉  2020-12-23 …