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我不要用有道或者谷歌这些在网页上直接翻译的,因为它们基本是逐字翻译,一个句子翻译下来之后,意思全变了.我想要人工翻译.All ur life,they will say,u r not good enough,or strong enough,or talent enough.They will say,u got the wrong height ,on the wrong way,or the wrong tight players,or beaters,or cheaters.They will tell u no,a thousand times no,until all they knows become meaningless.All ur life,they will tell u no.quite funnily,and very quickly,u will tell them YES.From nobody to up-star,Up-star to good attendant,a winner to champion.Keep telling him he can't,and he will show u that he can.A man who will spend a basketbal-life time proofing the doubter's wrong.Most shooter will not stop his appear journey against those who just can not bear to believe.But whiles,he does,again,and again.And where there is a will,there is a Wade