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Last month to visit shenzhen in the middle, I heard of such a true story, the story after story is very simple, the bus is a common stories of:
This is a common day, and was no difference, this is a common bus, and generally bus no different, car is a group of ordinary passengers, men and women, and women students have. If extortionary say anything, is in the middle part of the couple sat walls blue eyes, white skin of foreign friends.
Car or as usual, the traffic on the road to the parking area traffic, the parking. This station, few people, they have no one to remember what the IQ, anyway, the body is not fool never has a blemish, age is not old, several young children - is completely, the young people to earn the young Chinese, can earn!
Know for what, this several and crew quarrel, at first, a little voice, they argued, that voice will become almost the whole car everyone knows what they quarreled. Originally, in a dollar money, QianMin dollar coin. This is an automated vehicles, crew said they cast less a dollar coin, which a few people insisted that no. Is this a dollar money, just this one yuan RMB, both parties shall not compromise, war, see came quickly upgrade one's level.
At this moment, let the Chinese national shame, and let the anxious scene happened: the central on foreign friends stood up and went straight to the front, gently in coin box threw 1rmb. Then the mole, walk back to his seat to his companion smiled, gently shook his head and sit down.
I believe that this scene in the car every Chinese people see that two foreign friends can see, a trunk of Chinese have no reason not to see.
I also believe that things happen for every Chinese people in the car all knew that the two foreign friends understand, a trunk Chinese makes no sense will not understand.
But finally stood up to resolve the dispute is that car only two foreign friend! And the settlement of disputes method are merely cast 1rmb.
Hear here, I really feel pain, pain, the anxious dollar money to buy the ticket is not an ordinary, in my eyes, this one yuan RMB, bought the dignity of the Chinese!
I believe that this trunk Chinese completely has the capability to stump up the dollar money, I also believe that the Chinese people to the car in the foreign friends before this one dollar. But why is no man to do so?
The foreign friends this move, finally some more national pride of Chinese nerve, sit beside the foreign friend the lady took one dollar bill to be returned to them by the foreign friends, smiling refused. Again, or refused to stretch, so a few times, and the lady last only reluctantly give up. Actually think carefully, if some one as the lady who stand, I think in the persistence and reasonable explanation, the foreign friends will accept the dollar money.
But the end result is that such a blow to the once again, the weak ethnic Chinese heart! In about XX in China did something bad, XX in China and how the island-had nefarious, before each slightly, Chinese will gnash teeth in hatred of conscience, appear outraged! Always is 1: XX, he X! My mother X you! But in this just a small action will show you the national heart, all seem to forget his oath, oneself once said grandiloquence!
This is a newspaper in shenzhen (August 15, is like shenzhen special zone), in a less dramatic DouFuKuai with a large section of the report. But for this report, how many people will go to care?
Later, I also saw the report said, according to reports, the two foreign friends say they are canadians, he thinks the thing in his opinion is not understood. And in his native Canada, is never happen.
I think, this became the Canadian friends impression of China, this is a Canadian eyes of China!
This matter I called him "a dollar money events", "a dollar money events" past almost 20 days, but I still feel lingering sound in the ear, a GuGeng in the throat, don't spit unpleasant depressed.
Society greatly small media coverage of the "one dollar event" many, for example, the golden old a dollar money lakes "copyright sell CCTV. Yao's "one dollar lawsuit rights" caused a sensation. But the most need to care most is Chinese, Chinese value of "one dollar event" has become the most insignificant, most concern.
Perhaps, as many people are now in the novel written by lu xun, the habit, like ducks in the long neck stretched to watch others beheadings, this kind of things have become more and more numbness!
I just want to ask the conscience of slightly each Chinese: heard this story, see this report, this situation, your heart will still hurt?
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