早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.朝南的房间是我们的教师(face) 2.他们站在路边谈论着这个计划 3.由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙(Not knowing) 4.你要见那位正在办公室里写病历的医生吗?5.发表演说的这位教授是动物保护方面的专家 6.长途跋涉后汤姆觉得有点脏,便去冲了澡.全部用现在分词翻译
1. South of the room is our teacher (face) 2. They stand by the roadside talking about the scheme 3. Because I do not know how to do good, to help his parents to look for (Not knowing) 4. You want to see who is written medical records office of the doctor? 5. The professor's speech is an expert on the Protection of Animals 6. Tom to travel long distances after a bit dirty, they rushed to the bath. . .