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昨天我路过一个花园,看见许多人在那里 于是我进去想了解发生什么事 原来两个人在争吵 他们很生气 而听不进别人的劝告 其中一人砸破了手中的杯子 另一人怒视(stare at)着他 后来其中一个人上了自己的车 开车走了 然后我回家了...
I passed by a garden yesterday and saw many people crowding over there. Thus I decided to go and check out what was happening. There, I saw two people having a verbal altercation. They were really angry and reluctant to listen to other people's opinions. One of them smashed a cup in his hand and the other stared at him. Afterwards one of them got on his car and left. I went home after that too.