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E-commerce has the advantage that it is not only suitable for the use of large enterprises,but SMEs are very favorable.For large enterprises,SMEs human,financial,information technology weak and SME e-commerce application is worth studying new topics.90's of the last century,SMEs in the economic development of China has played an increasingly important role.However,as the development of SMEs in the lack of specialized business concepts and business strategy,are faced with many obstacles and problems,These problems seriously hindered the healthy development of SMEs,the impact of their potential into full play.However,with e-business strategies become more global,Many medium and small enterprises in China have also tried to use the e-commerce marketing strategies,and made no small achievement.Exciting is that in recent years,China's e-commerce applications has entered the stage of the boom.Size of the market makes the rapid growth of electronic commerce has officially entered a long period.The next three years,China's e-commerce will remain approximately 50% growth rate,from a certain extent,E-commerce has become the key to economic development,China's e-commerce prospects in the industry have reached a consensus.

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