早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


An old woman has two sons,the eldest son sold the umbrella,two son of salt.As the two son,the old lady almost every day.Why worry?Every day,the old lady said:the sun,the umbrella can be bad to sell!Then,as the eldest son.On rainy days,and the old lady whisper:this rain,salt how can bask in?So,again for the two son.The old lady to worry to,pined,finally to death.Two sons do not know what to do.Fortunately,a wise advice:" fine day salt,you should two son happy; rainy days easy to sell your umbrella,the great son happy.So a man,look,you didn't worry can be made." Sure enough,the wise old lady so explanation,see light suddenly,from then on,become anxious for Huan,buoyant health.以上为百度翻译版
是这个版本的大侠就不用费力了。另外还有google版的或其他翻译器翻译的也不用了!不要逐字翻译 简单叙述故事大意即可
Once upon a time,an old lady had two sons.
the elder was selling umbrellas
the yonger was selling salt
the old lady worried about the two almost everyday.
about what?
once the sun came out,she would say," umbrellas won't sell well in sunny days!" she was worrying for the elder.
once it rained,she would murmured," what to do with the salt in such rainning days!" thus,she was worrying for the yonger.
the old lady kept worrying and worrying until one day,she got sick.
the two sons didn't know what to do.
fortunately,a wisdom came up with an idea,"sunny days are for drying the salt,so just be happy for your younger son; rainy days are for selling umbrellas,and you should be happy for your elder son.thus,nothing else is worth worrying about!"
as expected,the old lady suddenly undersood.and she got happy and healthy ever after.

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