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野兽国 英文简介
The film adaptation of American illustrator awards won Andersen's illustrator,called "TongHua of Picasso's","since the founding of the greatest faux-naive creators" morris mulberry Sendak Maurice (nasdaq) from the same works written in this painting,the picture books is "won the Oscar award",the kaidi grams manuscript was also the U.S.national library of permanent collection.Will the story of a great influence on the big screen as the dream of many people,but the original image and short simple lines become the obstacle,eventually written script was directed puppet life ","theft" of orchids GuaiCai spectro Jones was chosen film making.And spike Jones didn't let the beasts homes fans down,no matter the plot arrangement,the design,the role of all beasts expression lets a person feel surprise,the Hollywood reporter so evaluation:after several years of waiting,the film gave us a great surprise.In the original strength,we also saw a spike Jones for story with new vitality.
In spike?Jones,the film is not only the adventure and fantasy,but also embodies the children's film after the child contact with mature growing,he hoped to find themselves lost film adults and children's childhood.Suddenly ANiu song:"I want to go to any place,and I don't so busy..." Actually,the adult of fairy tale has much less heroism colour,imagining the Max sing such song:I want to go to the beast,and the Kings do their hometown!
本片改编自美国第一位获得过安徒生插画奖的儿童插图画家、被称为“童画界的毕加索”、“图画书创始以来最伟大的创作者”莫里斯·桑达克(Maurice Sendak)自写自画的同名作品,这部作品获得了有“图画图书奥斯卡”之称的凯迪克奖金奖,该书手稿也被美国国家图书馆永久珍藏.将这个影响力巨大的故事搬上大银幕成为很多人的梦想,但原著简单的画面和简短的台词成为编写剧本的障碍,最终曾执导过《傀儡人生》、《兰花盗》等片的怪才斯派克·琼斯被选中接拍此片.而斯派克·琼斯也没有让《野兽家园》的粉丝们失望,无论故事情节的安排、角色形象的设计、野兽表情的刻画都让人感到惊喜,《好莱坞报道》如此评价:经过数年的等待,这部电影给了我们巨大的惊喜.在感受原著力量的同时,我们看到了斯派克·琼斯为故事赋予的新的生命力.