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法国政府规定:只有采用干邑区的葡萄酿制的白兰地才能称为“干邑白兰地”。在干邑区里,按葡萄的质量分成不同等级的6个种植区。最好的是干邑区中心种植地带,称“大香槟区?GRANDCHAMPAGNE ”,其次是“小香槟区?PETITECHAMPAGNE ”,其出产的葡萄可以说是干邑的精华。只有用这两个种植区的葡萄按对半的比例混合后酿制的干邑白兰地,法国政府才给予特别的称号“特优香槟干邑白兰地?FINECHAMPAGNECOGNAC ”(这里说的香槟与香槟酒是两回事,不可混为一谈)。这个称号是法律上的规定,任何酒商不能任意采用。到目前为止,人头马的全部产品都冠以此称号。
从白兰地的酒标上可以读到一些资料:该白兰地的牌子,法国白兰地,必定印上“法国造?PRODUCEOFFRANCE ”;干邑白兰地,必定印上“干邑?COGNAC ”;干邑中最佳品质的,必定印上“特优香槟干邑(FINECHAMPAGNECOGNAC)”。
"Cognac" is a small town in southwestern France. It around in about 100,000 hectares within the framework of, no matter the weather or soil, grape varieties are best suited to the growth. As a result, French cognac is the most famous grape-producing areas, the middle class here grapes can be brewed into the best-quality brandy.
French government: only the use of the cognac area of brewing grape brandy can be referred to as "cognac brandy." Cognac in the area, according to the quality of the grapes are divided into different levels of 6-growing areas. Cognac is the best center planting area, said "Champagne district  GRANDCHAMPAGNE", followed by "small Champagne district  PETITECHAMPAGNE", the grapes produced in the cognac can be said to be the best. Only with these two grape-growing areas by half the proportion of the mixture of brewed brandy cognac, the French government to give special title of "Premium Champagne Cognac  FINECHAMPAGNECOGNAC" (here, said the champagne and champagne are two different things, They should be separated). This is the title of the law, any wine merchants can not be used. So far, all of Remy's products are known as the title.
Cognac used in other areas 4 brewing grape-growing areas of Cognac, less quality, the Government will be no special title of the.
Brandy from the liquor can be marked read some of the information: the name of the brandy, cognac, France, China and India must "France made  PRODUCEOFFRANCE"; cognac brandy must be printed on "cognac  COGNAC"; in the best-quality cognac , Must be printed on the "Premium Champagne Cognac (FINECHAMPAGNECOGNAC)".
Cognac is indeed a stunner. American writer William Young said: "a bunch of grapes is a beautiful, static, pure; and once after squeezing it into an animal. Because it has become in the wine, have a life of the animal . "In view of this, the French cognac Ninglian the best of the best quality grapes, must be the wizard in the Wizard.

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