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Every child by their parents,will the lives of cadastral remember and filled,when the province and hasting.Things to finish,then return life stillness.Or have not command practitioners,criterion and color in a soft voice,with is interested and white,to parents,then change; xu If no,otherwise in what is the big deal,also when song from.If their parents' orders as a volunteer,and goeth up himself,though that hold all is for the sons of judah,rather,smicer is not necessarily the!
All parents had,the gas satisfying color in a soft voice with suggestion.If does not enter the suggestion on filial piety,yue,respect is complex cgsee period,Unhappy,with XiangDang state,Lv against in ning ripe cgsee period.Parents displeasure by whip of wrath,bleeding can't disease grievance,qijing up filial piety.
Whoever is for your sons,who dare not FuJia in fathers families (gal,refers to the riches and honour,don't rate note abased young rite).
For the son of man,those who will tell,a reverse will face.Have guests,dare not sit on the atria (have guests,sitting on academy.No academy tend to sit in the hall CBST).Lifting dare not by the east order,dismount on everything,dare not do not deserve hall since planned to his father.
All parents have disease,the son is inclined gu woman without reason not depart from side,kiss adjustable taste for YaoEr and.Parents have problems,son color dissatisfaction capacity.Don't laugh,no more than 逰,put aside banquet,designed to meet medical prosecutors close medicine for travel.CDC has,after initial (the YanShi characteristically "yue:parents have problems,son to worship medical pills.Cover with proiders,kiss of survival is proud,shall suddenly also).
Every child thing parents,parents love also when love,respect also respect,as to when QuanMa altogether,in the ErKuang.
Every child thing parents,happy with her heart,happy with her b.its volunteers and fresh,Ann its bed place,with its loyalty to support the diet.Young things long,base,all the things your copy.
Every child woman not worship not filial piety,do not have dropped detest problems,gu teach,if not teach,then of wrath,if not anger,then its rigors of repeatedly reach,but eventually not changed,son,but also put a woman does not speak cogently its making ritual also.What should be his wife,son,the parents displeasure.The son is unfavorable his wife,parents yue is good,my son,how did the dedication of the couple,no body of time.