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本片是卓别林最后一部无声影片.有感于世界经济危机给失业工人带来的痛苦,他决定用电影的形象语言来呐喊.1935年,电影已进入有声时代,可卓别林认为,用滑稽夸张的肢体语言,要远胜于对白,于是他只在片中加入配乐和少许音响就上映了.影片辛辣犀利的讽刺,揭示出工人遭受资本家欺压,榨尽他们最后血汗的严酷现实,理所当然地招致国际资本势力的群起反击,一些评论家的错误读解,也为这股邪恶势推波助澜.舆论的曲解正好证明这部影片的尖锐和深刻.观众永远忘 了主人公查理被机器卷进卷出的镜头以及被流水线弄得麻木机械,在人的鼻子、钮扣 拧紧螺母的镜头.卓别以其高超的表现手法向世人展示了一幅代表千百万失业者遭遇的生活画像.影片同时也是他在电影艺术上告别流浪汉形象迈向更加成熟的标志.
Based on the suffering from unemployment caused by international economic crisis,Chaplin has made up his mind to lend voice in aid of of it, and there comes the final movie from him in silence.Judging from the fact that film has entered its era of sound , Chaplin insists that the effection of body languages with full of fun and exaggeration are far more powerful than that of void dialogues, and soon this film comes to its stage with a little sound effect and incidental
. With full of spicy and sharp satiric words, the film reveals the current situations that the capitalists oppress and squeeze workers' surplus value to death by various means, which attracts violent attack from all the international capitalism ,Worse still, misrepresentation from the critics refuels the evil. Distortion from the public opinion witnesses the film's sharpness and deep Impression. The audiences never forget the scene that hero Charlie is rolled in and out by the machine and got numb mechanically on assembly line. Chaplin skillfully shows the world a portrait of life on behalf of millions of unemployed people. Which witnesses his improvement from the image of vagrant into the mature in media arts .