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     喜欢:59% 原因: 
    1. 全世界有不少国家有这个节日;
    2. 可以给平淡的校园生活增添乐趣;
    3. 可以借机更多的了解同学,锻炼人的机智。
    讨厌:14% 原因:
    1. 整天谎话连篇,生活被搞得乱糟糟;
    2. 大多数玩笑都很无聊;
    3. 制造了麻烦或不愉快。
     What's your attitude to April Fool's Day? A survey has recently been done and it shows there are three
different kinds of opinions about it.
    What's your attitude to April Fool's Day? A survey has recently been done and it shows there are three different kinds of opinions about it.     59% of the students are fond of it. Firstly they think many countries are pleased to have this special day and it is popular across the world. Secondly April Fool's day adds much fun to school life. Finally it helps to promote understanding among students and train their wit. On the contrary 14% of them dislike it. In their opinion too many jokes make this special day in disorder. What's more most of the jokes are boring and cause much trouble and misunderstanding. However 27% of the students show indifference to the day as they think of the jokes as white lies and are seldom serious about them. 答案不唯一