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As is seen from the two pictures,many teenagers in middle school or high school smoke,no matter boys or girls.(高分句型一)There are examples like them around me as well.Now,lots of teenagers like smoking,which has been a big problem that can't be ignored.(高分句型二)Some of them smoke just for fun and some think smoking looks cool.Others smoke because there are many people around them who smoke.
    As we all know,smoking is harmful,especially to students.First of all,smoking is bad for health because it can cause disease.Second,smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studies.Last but not least,smoking costs money.Students generally depend on their parents to live and haven't started to make a living on their own.In this case,some teenagers even steal money so that they can buy cigarettes.
    Smoking is so harmful.Smokers had better give up smoking right away.We should protect ourselves from smoking,learn more about the danger of smoking and keep away from people who smoke.(高分句型三)

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