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急求一篇主题为“what do you think a‘good heart’?”的英文对话
如题 注:是上英语课课前对话那种 不要长1-2分钟就够了
A: Hi, nice to meet you!B: Nice to meet you, too. It seems that you have some question to ask. What's that?A: Well, yesterday I saw in a book the phrase: "good heart". Do you have any opinions about it? B: "Good heart"? That sounds strange to me! Em...Perhaps it means the heart in your body, which is healthy and strong...A: Ah? Could it really be explained like that? But the character described as having a good heart in that book actually has a very poor health!B: Em...Well, you are quite right. My explanation like that is really too superficial. Let me think...Wow, I get it! Could it be used to describe someone who is very kind to others? A: Yeah, it must be that! The character in that book is indeed a kind person.B: Then so it is. However, I seldom hear that "good heart" can possibly be used as this in English language. A: Em, so am I. In fact, there's a well-known chinese saying that's widely used to describe people who are very kind: "Hao Xin". But English expression like that might seem too "Chinese style". B: You are quite right. But languages are generally very complicated, and everything might happen. well, how about asking help from Miss Lin, our English teacher? A: Em...That seems to be the only solution. However, I should thank you all the same!B: You're welcome. (PS: 以上的对话稿基本能够满足楼主的要求了.若有什么想法和疑问,欢迎提出,我们进一步交流o(∩_∩)o )

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