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Since the 21st century, e-commerce is developing at an amazing speed and in international trade field produced great impact. Electronic commerce is increasingly language with computer and the rapid development of Internet technology and the enterprise put in global economic competition demand and output, it is becoming a kind of western developed countries for international trade new tools, and its role in continually expanding, is increasingly becoming the important means of international trade.
As the electronic commerce in the world within the scope of the high speed development of economy, the traditional trade ways by the huge impact, international trade informationization had huge development. All countries in the world are highly valued. As for China, foreign trade field can better application e-commerce became the key to the development of China's foreign trade. China's e-commerce in international trade application is still in the initial stage. As a new kind of productivity, e-commerce to our country international trade development also produced a nonnegligible effects, especially in foreign trade system and open today. This paper expounds the electronic commerce in our country international trade problems existing in the development and current situation of the development, analyzes the e-commerce to our country international trade influence, in China is presented in the international trade of e-commerce development countermeasure.

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