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This financial crisis was caused by the US property market bubble.I think that there were two main reasons which led to this financial crisis.Firtst of all,it was a result of the consumption habit of the Americans.Consumer borrowing is a common way of living in the United States.However,in practice,experience tells us that such consumption mode is highly undesirable.Secondly,the economic management model of the US also played a part.The United States has often emphasized on free economy and objected to state intervention.This also accelerated the emergence of the financial crisis.The impact of the financial crisis on China was mainly on the export area.Export is an important means for China's economic development.The reduction in export trade will undoubtedly hinder the pace of China's development.In my opinion,the inspiration brought about by this financial crisis is that market liberalization is less than desirable.The government should strengthen its efforts in market supervision.I believe that as long as we have the confidence,we will be able to resolve any difficulties which lie before us.

数学的知识是相互贯通的,第一节就有后面那些我不懂的知识融在其中,我都不知道怎么去复习了!怎么去复习  2020-07-05 …

在初中新的学习与生活环境中,要较好地融入新的生活,就得做到()A.怀念小学生活B.发奋学习,成绩是  2020-07-05 …

“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”。强调了掌握学习方法十分重要。那么为了更快的融入中学的学习生活,你有哪些  2020-07-08 …

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植物体细胞杂交是利用不同物种的两个体细胞融合成一个杂种细胞的过程.该过程是指()A.不同植物的精子  2020-07-22 …

“如果我是老师,我将尽量和学生相处的融洽,在学习上我是他们的老师,在生活上我是他们的朋友,我不会..  2020-11-10 …

数学的知识是相互贯通的,第一节就有后面那些我不懂的知识融在其中,我都不知道怎么去复习了!怎么去复习,  2020-11-16 …

随着年龄的增长,我们的生活空间在不断地变化扩展,在塑造健康自我的同时。积极把自我融入广阔的公共生活中  2020-11-22 …

八年级上册地理地图复习资料,关于盆地,平原,高原的复习期中资料  2020-12-03 …

阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。2008年浙江省高考文科状元申屠李融在谈及自己何以取得优异成绩时,向大  2020-12-16 …