早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享







What does it mean to be polite?You are polite when you show good manners(礼貌).Look 1.________ the lunch room the next time you are there. You will quickly be 2.________ to tell who is polite and who is not.

Your friends who 3.________ quietly are polite. Those who chew(嚼)food with their 4.________ closed are polite. Those who are not very polite may play 5.________ their food. They may talk aloud at the 6.________.Those who are not polite are usually getting into 7.________ at lunch time with the teachers who are watching. You can also show you are polite when you meet 8.________ new. The best way to do this is to make eye contact with the person you are meeting. Stick out your hand to 9.________ hands. Smile. Then say,    “Hi,my name is…It is very nice to meet you.” The person you are meeting will likely smile.He or she will be pleased with how polite you are. Being polite tells others you respect(尊敬)them. It also tells others that you know 10.________ to act properly.

You will feel good about yourself when you are nice and polite to others.


1.around  2.able   3.talk    4.mouths 5.with