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为了帮助四川地震灾区重建,社会各界纷纷献出爱心。假如你是江苏某中学学生,发现周围同学在积极捐款的同时,对捐款数额的多少展开了热烈的讨论。请根据表格中提示内容,以“Does the amount of donated money matter much?”为题,为某英语杂志社写一篇150字左右的短文,反映同学们的不同想法。




3.参考词汇:爱心-compassion;经济状况-financial condition 灾民victim

Does the amount of donated money matter much?

To help rebuild the quake-striken areas in Sichuan province people from all walks of life are making donations to offer compassion.But what is the proper amount of money to donate is under discussion among the students and the opinions are divided as follows.

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Li Ping



Does the amount of donated money matter much?

   To help rebuild the quake-striken areas in Sichuan province people from all walks of life are making donations to offer compassion.But what is the proper amount of money to donate is under discussion among the students and the opinions are divided as follows.

  Some students think it necessary to donate as much money as possible because bigger donations symbolize your love for the victims.In addition donating more means making greater contributions to the reconstruction of the quake-stricken area and more victims will be offered help.On the other hand a bigger donation can make up for the regret that they can't go there to help as a volunteer.

  However some other students hold a different opinion.They claim that a small donation doesn't necessarily mean lack of compassion.How much they give should be based on their families' financial condition.Apart from this they think since we students are depending on our parents we had better not compare with each other on the amount of money to donate.

  As far as I am concerned how much money a student donates doesn't make much difference.What really counts is whether he has done his part.……

Li Ping


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