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Nanshan Buddha eyes down wise and kind. Whether you are close to or far away, his eyes are looking to you. Along with the people close to or far from the eyes, as if in slightly open, the closer the more feelthe Buddha in the concern you as a faint smile on one's face: the corners of his mouth, to speak without words, make people feel warm,and cause all sorts of reverie and Lenovo
Please continue to look down. "Nanshan Buddha" posture is called "node Fu sat crosslegged" (sitting cross legged, instep on stocks, is asitting method Buddhists), then why Shakya Muni Buddha sitting in the lotus seat? Sutra says, human lotus out dozens of flap, heavenlotus out of hundreds of thousands of pure land of the lotus petal,above the valve. Lotus silt but don't dye, represented by the troubleto clean. The lotus blooms in the hot summer, the hot water thatexpressing annoyance, cool, lotus bring cool boundary for thetroubles of human. All from worry free born in the pure land, is the lotus metaplasia. So they're sitting or standing, in the lotus above.

韩愈,柳宗元,刘禹锡,苏轼,李白被贬后的态度与作风都是怎样?韩愈,柳宗元,刘禹锡,苏轼,李白被贬后  2020-06-09 …

把下列语段补充完整,并完成练习。“是啊,莺儿,你要好好保存!这梅花,是我们中国最有名的花。旁的花,  2020-06-17 …

读文段,说理解。她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开得愈精神,愈秀气。她是最有品格、最有灵魂、  2020-07-07 …

借物喻人,写出人生感悟1几乎所有白的花都很香,而愈是颜色艳丽的花,愈是缺少馨香;人也一样2清晨是莲  2020-07-07 …

读了这段话,你想到了什么?旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花,她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开得愈精  2020-07-07 …

阅读题。梅花魂是呀,莺儿,你要好好保存!这梅花,是我们中国最有名的花。旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花。她却  2020-11-02 …

这段话运用了什么修辞手法,赞扬了梅花怎样的精神这梅花,是我们中国最有名的花。旁的花,大抵是春暖才开花  2020-11-11 …

下面关于蜘蛛的眼的叙述,正确的是[]A.蜘蛛没有眼,靠结的网起触觉作用B.蜘蛛只有单眼感受光的剌激C  2020-11-28 …

……这梅花,是我们中国最有名的花。旁的花,大抵是春暖才花开,她却不一样,愈是寒冷,愈是风欺雪压,花开  2020-12-06 …

直升机靠什么起飞,是不是靠直升机的旋翼转动带动气流给地面一个里,靠地面给他的反作用力起飞还是和普通飞  2020-12-23 …