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After has experienced more than 20 years economical high speed growth,to is good along with domestic economical situation continuing,our country had the world richest attraction tourism domestic market,this has brought the huge development power for the hotel industry.Is drawn the market strong demand,our country hotel industry once the later period carried on the whole fast expansion in on world line 0 ages,but afterwards because expanded excessively fell into around 2000 the murky adjustment .
In 2001 our country joins WTO,our country tourism to foreign countries opening up degree further expands,on simultaneously the century 90's excessively expand the consequence has been gradually digested by the market,our country hotel industry starts to recover,the domestic hotel industry also enters the rare development peak.In 2004,had a turn of new hotel investment upsurge:The Chinese and foreign investor goes to the vision the low end market simultaneously to pour into in abundance the massive funds.The Park Hotel group on a large scale enters our country market,but the native place hotel group also runs by the unprecedented speed the horse stable place.The Chinese hotel industry region structure is unreasonable,the competition method insufficiency and the market sprinkles the shop to the economy the demand to reveal day by day that,as well as in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games 2010 year Shanghai World Extensively positively affects and so on to the hotel industry many strengths interweaving,the Chinese hotel low end market will be evolving to pan for gold the Holy Land.At present,domestic ribbon.The brand hotel holds the proportion in the market not to state 10%,the huge potential causes the economy hotel market to ignite the wolf smoke,the multitudinous economy hotel foreign capital brand enters the Chinese market in abundance.Under this kind of kind of background,did this article from the global hotel industry and our country hotel industry development present situation,how the foreign capital enhance our country hotel to our country hotel industry development influence as well as under the global background the competitive ability and the profit level carries on initially searched.

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