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1. 你想参加此次活动的原因;
2. 你的基本情况介绍(年龄,性别,爱好和特长等);
3.  ................(任何涉及学习方面的要点均被接受)。
Dear Mr. Liu,
I want to apply for the chance to go to the Isle of Man for cultural exchange. The reason is that…
Many thanks!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

Dear Mr. Liu,
I want to apply for the chance to go to the Isle of Man for cultural exchange. The reason is that I want badly to get a thorough understanding of the British culture and this journey abroad will no doubt broaden my horizon as well as improve my oral English greatly. And below is my self-introduction.
I’m a girl of seventeen. Like many girls of this age, I enjoy making friends with whoever has common interests with me. Going shopping and surfing the Internet are what I often do at weekends. I also love music and I can play the piano fairly well. Of all the subjects I like English best because it is as beautiful a language as my mother tongue. Besides, I hold the belief that a good mastery of English will benefit my future.
I would appreciate it if you can give me such a chance. I am looking forward to your early reply!
Many thanks!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


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