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·美丽中国,青春梦想征文· 青春,向着理想奔跑!
青春是短暂的,但更是美丽的!青春是放飞我们的 梦想和追求理想的花季. 人生十六七岁的我们,依然懵懵懂懂而又真切感受 到青春的活力在我们的身心里跃跃欲动,我们不安分的 大脑会不时地迸出各种迸射着理想光环的对于未来的无 限憧憬和向往 人生十六七岁,在菁菁校园里我们感受到种种压力 :父母对我们苟刻,老师对我们严格,我甚至想问问家 长和老师:“你们的青春也是这样度过的吗?” 人生十六七岁的我们,总能体会到来自身边的快乐 ,比如,可以和伙伴们一起玩一起郊游,一起探讨人生 的意义和对于未来的畅想,有谁不愿回忆那些快乐的日 子呢? 人生十六七岁的我们,有时也会沉默和忧郁,我们 常会一个人坐在窗口,望着高楼和蓝天,独自一人在那 发呆,想着自己的过去,会时不时的发出莫名的感慨和 惆怅,还会莫名地伤感…… 我们的青春总会灿烂多彩、轰轰烈烈,但不必追求 惊天动地,青史留名.奥斯特洛夫斯基说过:“人的一 生应当这样度过:当他回忆往事的时候,他不致因虚度 年华而悔恨,也不致因碌碌无为而羞愧.在临死的时候 ,他能够说:我的整个生命和全部精力,都已献给世界 上最壮丽的事业:为人类的解放而斗争.”青春是人生 最耀眼的沸点,因此当你意识到这一点时,青春也同样 在闪光,发热.这光不为你的骄傲而存在,而是为你照 耀前进的道路;也不是为你的享受而存在,而是为了添 加你拼搏的力量. 青春是短暂的,智慧是无限的,抓紧时间学习知识 是把握青春的最好办法.雨果说:“春天是一年的青春 !青春就是生命的春天!”既然我们不能留住春天,那 么就抓紧在春天播种吧!让我们都来珍惜青春这短暂而 无比金贵的岁月,在拥有青春的日子里,我们不要让它 在茫然与不知中逝去,向着理想努力吧,做一个最出色 的你!
Youth is short,but it is beautiful!Youth is to let the dream and the pursuit of the ideal youth.Life at the age of 16,we are still puzzled and true feelings to the vigor of youth in our body and mind move ahead,we will from time to time,restless brain bursts with various projectiles with ideal aura for the future without the limit of longing and yearning Life is 16 years old,the cyanine cyanine campus we feel all sorts of pressure:parents GouKe for us,the teacher strict for us,I even wanted to ask Long and teachers:"your youth is spent like this?" Life at the age of 16,we always can feel happiness from side,for example,can play together for an outing with friends,discuss the meaning of life and think about the future,who do not want to recall those happy days son?16 and 17 of our life,sometimes silence and melancholy,we often sat by the window,looking at the buildings and the blue sky,alone in a daze,thinking about the past,will send a strange regrets and melancholy,occasionally will somehow sad...Our youth will always bright and colorful,vigorous,but don't pursue earth-shattering,bounds.Ostrovsky said:"a person for a life should be spent like this:when he recalled the past,he is not wasted The mood for love and remorse,also not ashamed because of useless.At the time of dying,he can say:all my whole life and energy,has been dedicated to the world's most magnificent cause:the struggle for human liberation." Youth is life's most dazzling boiling point,so when you realize this,youth also in flash,fever.This light is not proud of you,but for you as the way forward; Is not for you to enjoy,but to add to add your fighting force.Youth is short,wisdom is infinite,take time to learn knowledge Is the best way to grasp the youth.Hugo said:"spring is one year youth!Youth is the spring of life!" Since we cannot keep spring,that yao to sowing in spring!Let we all cherish this brief but very precious youth years,with the youth day,we don't let it lost in the vacant and don't know,go toward the ideal,do a the best of you!

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