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2003.3 率领自己的班级与武汉市第一聋哑学校建立互助友谊关系.
2005.2 召集外语学院和全校师生为印度洋大海啸捐款,三天内筹得善款2万余元,捐给了武汉市红十字会.
2008.5 汶川5.12地震第二天,我陪同董事长参加江西瑞金的北京奥运火炬接力,当天就与董事长一起号召瑞金208名火炬手捐款,募得善款500万.期间还协助董事长为瑞金当地一所希望小学捐赠20万.回京后,协助公司成立奥运火炬手基金,并于中国红十字会做了大量沟通工作,负责捐赠款的落实.使得“奥运火炬手基金”成为与李连杰壹基金一样归中国红十字会直接管辖的慈善基金.
2008.8 陪同董事长参加《时尚芭莎慈善晚会》,并为嘉宾之一的英国前首相托尼布莱尔先生担任翻译工作.
义 工
2006.10 中国长城学会(非盈利组织),任国际交流部临时翻译,为长城参加世界新七大奇迹的评选和最终获的第一名做了大量前期国际沟通和协作,与意大利、苏格兰、土耳其、埃及、以色列、阿根廷等国家的世界文化遗产负责人建立了良好的关系.
Social charity
2003.3 led his class and wuhan first deaf school establish mutual friendship relations.
2005.2 called foreign language college and all the teachers and students for the Indian Ocean tsunami donations, three days to raise funds more than 20,000 yuan, wuhan proceeds to the Red Cross.
2008.5 wenchuan earthquake on the next day, I attended the jiangxi ruijin accompanied by the chairman of the Beijing Olympic torch relay, the same day with the President called together ruijin 208 bearers donations, donations to help 5 million. Assist the chairman for ruijin during a local hope primary schools donated 20 million. Back to Beijing, assist company was founded after the Olympic torch fund, and China Red Cross done much communication, be responsible for the implementation of endowments are. Make "the Olympic torch fund" become with jet li one foundation as to the Red Cross society of China directly under the jurisdiction of the charity fund.
2008.8 accompanied President attend Harper's bazaar charity concert ", and as a speaker, one of the former British prime minister Tony Blair, served as translation work.
Righteousness work
2006.10 China Great Wall society (nonprofit), our international exchange department for the Great Wall in temporary translation, the world new seven wonders campaign and eventually won the first prize of the prophase, do a lot of international communication and cooperation, and Italy, Scotland, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Argentina and other countries of the world cultural heritage of established good relations.