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Today's our first day back to work after Chinese New Year.We were astonishe and disappointed when we saw how the situation with your payment,You were the one proposing the scheduled date of your payment (sixty days upon receipt of the merchandise);; we accepted it.Last time when the merchandise was detained by the Custom,we invested tremendous amount of energy to resolve this impasse and were able to get the shipment out by September.Five months have passed since then,We have sent many emails and called numerous times,but we have yet to receive your confirmation.We have been your business partner for many years.We could not accept and comprehend how something like this could have happened.Due to the faxt that the capitals are usually somewhat tense before the holiday,We called before to ask for you to arrange payment and you agreed.However,we have yet to receive your payment.What did a previous promise become a lie?This time we hope that you can schedule your payment for us.Regarding your subsequent orders in the future,we would like to follow thr payment conditions before,We hope you can understand.

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《感动中国》2013年度人物百岁仁医胡佩兰,20年来坚持每周出诊6天,风雨无阻。胡佩兰舍不得在自己身  2020-12-12 …