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2、half这个词,有些地方后面有一个of ,可是有的又没有of,
3、the local market has been saturated
4、make preparation for介词用法有没有问题
5、would it be more favourably compared with other areas
6、which is lack of skills
7、which is near our company有没有问题?
8、our workers used this box by mistake
9、make sure our brand is differ from others 中differ用的有没有问题?句子结构有没有问题?
10、those who lack of skills are required to attend it有没有问题?
11、we appreciate you give us 6%discount有没有问题?
12、consult other people中的consult后面需不需要加to?所有的情况都不需要加to?
13、in the last ten years
14、as it is usually said有没有问题?
15、faulty parts有没有问题?
16、late delivery occured 24 times this year compared more than that in last year有没有问题(句子意思为这个月发货延误发生了24次,比去年要多)
17、this company operate much better than expecetd ,which make profits of 1000 pounds有没有问题?介词of有没有问题?
、翻译:节省纸张的浪费 reduce paper wastage
我的工作涉及到. my work involves ...
糟糕的表现 terrible performance
应该被注意 should be noticed
因为我们正在快速增长 because we are developing rapidly
在我们公司 in our company
在6月发货是否方便 Is it convenient to distribute the goods in June?
这会影响到会议的发展 This will affect the development of the meeting
教育背景好的人通常掌握更多的知识 Those with a educational background usually acquire more knowledge
正如预料的一样 as expected
最多25人是可以接受的 a maximum of 25 people is acceptable
业务范围主要在欧洲 business is primarily in Europe
更有说服力 more convincing
新品发布会 new product conference
杂志被证明是一个有效的方法 It is proven that magazines are an effective method
它确保工作的顺利完成 It ensures the work is completed smoothly
通过分析我们正在用的几种广告 through analysing the few types of advertisements we use now
让每个人都加入到决策过程中 let everybody be a part of the decision-making process
中国日报 China Daily
员工的表现总体上满意 staff's performance is satisfactory on the whole
掌握文化差异 grasp the difference between cultures
对内容有透彻的理解能够保证会议的正常进行 a thorough understanding of the contents can ensure the smooth running of the conference
当今充满竞争的社会 the competitive society nowadays
2、half这个词,有些地方后面有一个of ,可是有的又没有of,怎么解释?
意思基本上一样,of 只是介词
3、the local market has been saturated 有没有问题?
没有,但视乎句子语法或需用the local market is saturated
4、make preparation for介词用法有没有问题
介词用法没问题,不过直接说prepare to也可以
5、would it be more favourably compared with other areas 有没有问题?
would it be more favourable compared with other areas
6、which is lack of skills 有没有问题?
7、which is near our company有没有问题?
8、our workers used this box by mistake 有没有问题?
9、make sure our brand is differ from others 中differ用的有没有问题?句子结构有没有问题?
10、those who lack of skills are required to attend it有没有问题?
those who lack skills are required to attend
11、we appreciate you give us 6%discount有没有问题?
we would appreciate it if you could give us a 6% discount
12、consult other people中的consult后面需不需要加to?所有的情况都不需要加to?
13、in the last ten years 有没有问题?
14、as it is usually said有没有问题?
15、faulty parts有没有问题?
16、late delivery occured 24 times this year compared more than that in last year有没有问题(句子意思为这个月发货延误发生了24次,比去年要多)
There has been delays in deliveries for 24 times this month, which is more than last year
17、this company operate much better than expecetd ,which make profits of 1000 pounds有没有问题?介词of有没有问题?
The business has been running better than expected, with a profit of 1000 pounds,介词没有问题

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