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Interpersonal social group is a result of contacts constitute the interdependence and interrelatedness of social relations,belong to the scope of sociology.People are social animals,each individual have their own unique ideas,background,attitude,personality,behavior patterns and values,but everyone's personal feelings,life and work of great impact,and even organizational climate,organizational communication ,organized operation,organizational efficiency and the relationship between the individual and the organization have tremendous impact.
Today the community of clerks,secretaries and staff leadership is to bridge the gap between its deal with the interpersonal relationships have a direct impact on the company,leadership,the relationship between the employees and interests.However,the Secretary was unclear how many targeted to deal with these relationships,leading to higher levels with the Secretary,at the same level,the lower-level exchanges in the understanding of deviation.Secretary of the work of the Secretary of interpersonal relationships are an important part of the work,secretarial work is an important condition for the smooth commencement.Secretary for the handle interpersonal relationships,helping improve the efficiency of the work of the Secretary,the Secretary to the physical and mental health,and promote the comprehensive development of secretarial staff.

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“政社互动”是指政府行政管理与基层群众自治有效衔接和良性互动,其内核是村(居)民自治事务,政府行政事  2020-11-02 …

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英语翻译中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的旅游路线.各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和  2020-12-06 …

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