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With scientific methods to solve all the problems of information handling and processing all the techniques (including the actual application and theoretical methods and skills) can be attributable to the information technology.
Information technology in the great role play is born began. Computer
Thousands of years ago invention of the compass, beacon tower, printing, paper, the 18th century optical telescopes, the 19th century, the telegraph and telephone
These past gained new things elegant demeanour, promote social progress and civilization in the things are all information technology development, the milestone
But make information produce a qualitative leap, make our society into "information society", make we truly into the "information age" or after 1980s cutting-edge technology breakthroughs, because of the modern information technology generated.
雅虎翻译:Everything with in the science method solution information processing and processing question's all technologies (including actual application and method, skill theoretically) may belong to the information technology. the information technology function's enormous display is starts in the computer birth. several thousand years ago invents the compass, the beacon tower, the printing method, the paper, the 18th century's optical telescope, the 19th century's telegram and the telephone, these glowed the new thing elegant demeanor in the past, impels social and the civilized advance thing, although is in the information technology development process milestone, but causes the information to have the qualitative leap, causes our society to march into " the information society ", causes we entered " the information age truly " after in the 1980s, because frontier technology's breakthrough produces present information technology. because of this, our usually called information technology refers to the present information technology. But the present information technology's formation and the development depend on three complex technical unions, they are the computer technology, the multimedia technologies, the correspondence and the networking.

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