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真诚请教01年英语一text2中的长难句01年英语一text2 《互联网的潜力》中,有两句不太明白语法结构(但明白意思),请大神指点:其一是最后一段的“the more……”,The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure,……,里面的have doing是什么时态?我没见过啊。这句是怎么断句的啊? 其二是全篇最后一句:But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet.里面needed应该是修饰前面the energy and telecom infrastructures的,那后面又加个to take full advantage of the Internet是什么语法结构呢?mean后面缩减主干,是recognizing……to take……,请问这样的语法是什么呢? 请指点哈,谢了~
第一句话,helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure现在分词短语作定语,修饰foreign capital。也就是说,foreign capital有两个定语,其实是you have定语从句,其二是helping...现在分词短语(foreign ca...