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把中文翻译成英语摘要:财务管理以资金管理为中心,加强企业的资金管理是企业生存、发展的根本。流动资金是企业总资金中最具有活力和生命力的一个组成部分,它是一个企业的日常生产经营活动赖以生存的基本依托,波动资金的运转状况直接关系到企业总资金的运转,直接影响企业的效益。可近年来,许多企业都普遍存在看流动资金不足这个问题,它巳成为经济生活中矛盾的焦点和难点。流动资金短缺,不但影响企业正常生产经营,而又冲击金融,波及市场,对整个社会经济运行造成许多连锁影响。关键词:资金管理;流动资金;资金短缺; 帮帮忙。。帮我 翻译成英语 急用 谢谢了。我马上就要。
Abstract: The financial management to fund management as the center, to enhance their financial management is the survival, development. The total funding liquidity is the most dynamic and an integral part of life, it is a business day-to-day production and management activities rely on basic survival, fluctuations in operating conditions of the funds is directly related to the operation of the company funds, a direct impact on efficiency of enterprises. May in recent years, many companies look at the prevalence of the problem of inadequate liquidity, which in economic life have become the focus of contradictions and difficulties. Liquidity shortage, not only affect the normal production and operation enterprises, and the impact of financial services, affecting the market, running the entire socio-economic impact of many chain. Keywords: funds management; liquidity; a shortage of funds;