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The Beijing spirit from my start

Beijing spirit like a beacon illuminating the road ahead; the Beijing spirit like a signpost to guide the direction of our life; spirit of Beijing is the core and essence of Beijing, fully demonstrating the long culture. Patriotic, innovative, inclusive, Houde, just eight words summed up the spirit of the faith enshrined in the Beijing of years of history.
Patriotism is not hollow and distant word patriotic in fact is all around us, such as our red scarf, it is a symbol of the young pioneers, to make it clean and beautiful fluttering in the chest. The raising of the flag to solemn silence, the singing of the national anthem, and must not be whispering, talking and laughing. On our national emblem, we can not be stepped on or damaged in any way RMB RMB. The growing prosperity of our country, each and every one of us should study hard, solid learn each course, inspirational doing the motherland of the pillars of. These things are small, but it is a to our pupils patriotic performance.
Innovation is not just parroting the simple plagiarism. Our students should be the job completed on time, what questions should not ask a parent or a teacher, do not wait until class fast job to take someone else's mess copied stretch, as not innovative. Do title, a question to think about several new methods and thinking should not be fixed in one format, hyperactivity own brains, smarter, and this is the innovation of our pupils.
Inclusiveness is a forgiving heart to forgive others, forgive others. Others do not accidentally step on your foot, others have no intention knocked you something, the others broke your beloved pen oversight, he gave you a sincere apology, you give him a tolerant smile, the moment, tolerance spring breeze warm your heart.
Houde is reflected in the daily life of moral cultivation. Protect public facilities to comply with traffic regulations, environmental and health maintenance, active participation of the public interest, the interaction between people, and so on, can be said that our actions are all in embodies Houde. In other words, we need to do to be polite, and the use of public facilities must be careful, do not broke it; should also learn how to use the Cross Politeness, met acquaintance hello.
The spirit of Beijing is a beacon, a signpost to guide our direction. Our students, but we have to start from their own side, the spirit of Beijing with our tender voice shouted, starting with me to practice the spirit of Beijing.

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党的十八大报告指出,要大力弘扬民族精神和时代精神.民族精神和时代精神内涵十分丰富,它们的核心分别是(  2021-01-31 …

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党的十八大报告指出,要大力弘扬民族精神和时代精神.民族精神和时代精神内涵十分丰富,它们的核心分别是(  2021-01-31 …

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党的十八大报告指出,要大力弘扬民族精神和时代精神。民族精神和时代精神内涵十分丰富,它们的核心分别是(  2021-01-31 …