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The interaction between different civilizations are the important factors affecting the development of history.
Science and culture in song and yuan period spread to Europe, has important influence on the European, Europe produced unprecedented "China craze".
Many European thinkers to China as a reference, this paper discusses problems in Europe. For example, they produced a keen interest in the imperial civil service examination system of China, think this system to make government based on personal ability talents. Rather than that of Europe, for hereditary right.
European modern civilization was introduced into China, and China's traditional culture collision and interaction, and promote the humanistic thoughts in modern China
But this kind of humanistic thought more reflects China's new bourgeoisie has tried to reform the social good will. Chinese advanced intellectuals in the comparison between Chinese and western cultural conflict is to identify, gradually developed with characteristic of the western humanism thought.
The interaction between different civilizations are the important factors influencing the historical development and the eternal theme. Multicultural blend between the mutual collision and inevitable. Only from each other between different civilizations, complement each other to promote each other, common development.
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