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In the firecracker sound, we welcomed the Chinese grandest festival saying that - - the Spring Festival, each family were jubilant, hangs up the red lantern, pasted on the red spring festival couplet, very busy . in first lunar month first day, was also one joyful says the child. formerly I was the latest person, but I have struggled today first, because wants to smell that smell sharp aroma extremely the firecracker smoke taste. String firecrackers light in the people hand, the sound is really loud, splashes in all directions, must deliver as if each blessing everyone, an intermittent firecracker sound continuously, has eaten meal after extremely busyly, I invite several friends to play together, lit the firecracker on the street in ground to start out the beautiful flower, attractive extremely, in the bag was installing the spending money which the parents gave, do not raise is happy. Today's bird also comes out to join in the fun, they at heart also are very probably happy. the some relatives and friends happily gather in one place, are tasting the good wine delicacies, is talking some happy. But happiest is we, may large bundle accumulate takes the new year's money, then overjoyed runs up to the street to buy the amusing thing. the people have played the night, between lips gnaw the delicate fruit, in the hand are setting off the firecrackers fireworks .Adult the children sings and dances, forgets kindnesses plays a happiness. Is really a joyful time!

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