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1、没有没完没了的电话,没有记者,没有要签名(signature)的影迷(fans),没有电视台的晚会,没有演艺圈(entertainment circle)里的是是非非(gossip),也不用跟那些乱七八糟的企业家们吃饭,这样的生活,哪怕只有一天也好,不用戴墨镜,太自然了,过普通人的生活对你们来说也许不算什么,可是对于我来说,那简直是个梦想.
2、您能给我们一个授权吗?委托我们全权代理(authorize us to be your representative)与您做普通人的梦有关的一切事宜.呵,真不好意思,您还得在签一次名,您知道,我也是您的影迷.不过我愿意忍痛割爱.
1,No endless phone,no reporters,no to sign (signature) of the fans (fans),no television show,no entertainment (entertainment circle) in the right and wrong (gossip),do not eat with those mess entrepreneurs ,such a life,even if only one day ,do not wear sunglasses,so a natural,and over the lives of ordinary people may be nothing for you ,but for me,it is simply a dream.
2,Can you give us a license Entrusted us with the sole agent (authorize us to be your representative) and your dreams of ordinary people to do all matters relating to.He,I am sorry,you have to sign your name in again ,as you know,I am also your fan.But I am willing to spare.