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赣州的夏天,天气很热。大街上有很多人,他们穿着凉爽的衣服,有的穿着短裤,有的穿着短裙。有的人步行去购物, 有的人在等公交车。公园里人也很多,人们玩得很高兴。 有的在读书, 有的在打扑克或下象棋。看上去他们都很放松。请根据上述提示写一篇短文,对赣州的夏天作一简单的描述,不少于60词(街道street, 等候wait for, 打扑克play cards)。
It’s summer in Ganzhou._________________________________________________________

It’s summer in Ganzhou.  The weather is very hot.  But there are still many people on the street.  They are all wearing cool clothes.  Some are wearing shorts, and others are wearing short skirts.  Some people are walking to go shopping, and others are waiting for the bus. 
In the park, there are also lots of people.  They are having a good time.  Some of them are reading, some are playing cards, and others are playing chess.  They all look relaxed.