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急要篇daily report!
明天听力课做daily report,觉得没什么东西可以说.哪个高手能写篇简单点的有故事情节的有趣的~生词不要太多~2-3分钟~我是大一新生
7-Ups of life 人生七喜
Good morning,Boys and girls!
Does anybody like this drink(高举7-Ups的气水罐)?Well,this is my favorite drink.But today I am not going to talk about my favorite drink.I would like to talk about 7-ups of life.You may wonder what that is.Ok,please sit back and listen.
The 7-Ups of life.
1.Wake up!
I would say” Today is a new day.Let’s rejoice and be happy!”
So I am going to stop to smell a flower.I’m going to stop to look up at the blue sky and the white fluffy clouds.I’m going to stop to listen to the chirping of the birds or the raindrops against my windows.In a word,be happy!
2.Dress up!
The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.A little smile can make such a big difference in one’s life.I would smile to the people I know and I would smile to the people I don’t know.The world is so beautiful with smiles all around.So everybody put on a little smile now!
3.Shut up!
Today I will shut up!I will say nice things only and learn to listen.“ Hi!” “ How are you?” “Can I help you?” I am going to tell my mom and dad how much I love them
Today is the tomorrow I set goals for yesterday.
4.Stand up!
Everybody should stand for something or you will fall for anything.I will stand firm on my ground and do what I think is right.I would never bow to the evil.
5.Look up!
I will look up at the sky.I would look up at the universe.I gain strength.I gain guidance.
6.Reach Up !
I will like to stand higher and see farther and reach something higher.
7.Lift Up !
I will say a little Prayer today.I pray for the world peace.I pray for the happiness of my loved ones.I pray for a peace of mind.
Boys and girls,these are the seven ups of my life.I hope you could sit back and think about the 7-ups for your life .
Wish you all the best!
Have a good one!

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