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(一) the impact on the child's personality
Take care of children left behind by the grandparents, parents' lack of education guardianship role, resulting in adverse effects on the overall health of growing children left behind, "intergenerational education" problem "children left behind" group is the most prominent. After her parents work outside the home, and their children together far more than, less communication, far short of its role as guardian of the requirements, but there are a lot of inter-generational education is not satisfactory at this situation easily lead to rear children psychology health, character and other aspects of the deviation, learning is affected, for these poor kids left a lifetime of regret, and some even go the way of crime. This inter-generational education, so that children can not communicate well and grandparents, and parents are increasingly alienated. According to the survey I did, 80% of left-behind children and parents believe that communication between the learning is the only topic.
Together with the single child policy, so many Chinese families have only one child, these children would have been in the family is more a lack of parental care, fewer siblings get along fun, easier to let children have withdrawn, inferiority complex character.
Even in the city, many parents wait until the child from school, took them to a variety of tutorial or training to their own work might continue to direct the rest. Western countries, parents will usually accompany their children to take home to play, this practice continued until they grow up. Although parents do so very hard, but they think it should be. Naturally, parents pay more, the children are also more optimistic, cheerful personality, not so much sad and lonely sentiment. This is not difficult to understand why Asians than Westerners will make people feel more enthusiastic.
Of course, family education in China has been plagued by people questioned and criticized at the same time, people are increasingly aware of them beneficial ingredients. China's strict family-style discipline, the child's self-control training, hard, practical efforts to form the character of others have a great role in promoting. In this role, or the plight of children in the face of adversity was especially evident when, which is generally better than one aspect of the China Youth Western youth. Therefore, the Chinese family education model in some ways it is worth to continue to develop and heritage. Western society family are profound thought such an educational phenomenon.
(二) the impact on the child's future career choice
Chinese children will be more choices relatively stable jobs and careers, do not want to create a separate business. China has long circulated in the "iron rice bowl," one said, the Normal University and medical colleges have been sought after by the candidates, the reason is that China's family education makes children more willing to live a stable life, but not the first consideration their own interests in the future achievements in this field and so on.
Not the same in the United States, most children according to their own interests and hobbies to choose their future career, regardless of what kind of an ideal child, as long as parents think is beneficial, it will encourage them, whether this is a noble profession or trivial.
(三) the impact on children's social adaptability
Survey: Most Chinese parents do not want children to reflect on their own tube too strict. Especially when their children to junior high school, high school, but I hope they can get their own independent space, and do not like parents to help themselves to all the problems have arranged a. Results of the parents arranged the children more dependent on their parents, the community a lot of "NEET" is the focus of this portrayal. Chinese family foster children in terms of life or emotional, are more dependent on family, dependent on their parents. A lot of people in college, you also need to read with their parents, their cooking and cleaning. Lack of daily living, or parental education and ideas and have a close relationship.
In the United States, parents are very focused on the child's social adaptation, so that Western parents let kids learn to go alone social experience life, and independently of any simple, until the time of their work, will gradually reduce them help, let them take care of themselves. Children usually around the age of eighteen, we must move from their parents' home.

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