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Hainan island of China real estate business by brief dialysis prices problem
In recent years, China's rising house prices continuous. Prices setters are Beijing, Shanghai, shenzhen and other cities, two third-line city rising house prices followed comprehensive. House prices problem has become the hot, is testing the social party and government "live in somewhat the touchstone of policy and commitment, has begun to affect the public mood and thoughts tendency, affecting social stability and the regime consolidation.
Below we will with hainan island as a simple example, using economics principle of recent Chinese prices for a brief analysis of the problem.
Real estate prices change is optimized allocation of resources market basic form, is to adjust the effective levers of housing supply and demand relation, but also adjust the important lever housing distribution relationship. Based on the analysis of the Chinese house prices, housing prices, we can find that the rapid increase of the not can't control the key, control with our government in a policy. Our government to do everything for people, let people have room to live

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