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急急急!!外贸英语函电翻译急用一篇英文函电的译文,希望大家广伸援手啊!!谢谢啦~ 内容是,我司为打开国内销售市场,希望向你方出售我方产品,现有500斤花生和300斤核桃,如果你方对此感兴趣,提供实盘,我方将立即发货。 文中应提到由于现在即将进入冬季,花生核桃产品进入销售旺季,希望对方尽快答复。要求80-120字~ 多谢啦!~要快哟!~
In order to open domestic market, our company would like to introduce our products to you. We have 500KGS of peanuts & 300KGS of hickory nuts. If you are ineterested in this, please make offer and we will make delviery immediately. As the winter is drawing near, which is midseason of peanuts and hickory nuts, kindly please reply as soon as possible. Thanks.