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it is first long film that drawn from realcharacters of his films.
JiroHorikoshi film tells the life story of the film,depicting the life of Jirotechnician and his unfortunate girl with Naoko encounter.Not only delicate butsimply showing a favorite from Aircraft teenager to fall into "whether thewar contribute to" the profound psychological distress,but also make adetailed description of his unfortunate encounter tuberculosis Naoko girls andlove.The film isdirected by Hayao Miyazaki,
The film is directed by Hayao Miyazaki,it is first long film that drawn from real characters of his films.
Jiro Horikoshi film tells the life story of the film,depicting the life of Jiro technician and his unfortunate girl with Naoko encounter.Not only delicate butsimply showing a favorite from Aircraft teenager to fall into "whether thewar contribute to" the profound psychological distress,but also make adetailed description of his unfortunate encounter tuberculosis Naoko girls andlove.
The film is directed by Hayao Miyazaki and it is his first long film which is drawn from real characters.The film tells about Jiro Horikoshi's span life,depicting the life of Jiro as a technician and ...

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活泼但不轻浮;自谦但不自卑;勇敢但不鲁莽;自信但不();灵活但不();果断但不();坚定但不();  2020-06-15 …

照例子,填词语活泼,但不轻浮;自信,但不自负;勇敢,但不鲁莽;自谦,但不();灵活但不()照例子,  2020-06-17 …

水是人类生活中不可缺少的物质.日常生活中有人喜欢喝纯净水,市售纯净水中有一些是蒸馏水,有关这类纯净  2020-06-26 …

在这种环境气氛里,出口自然,不论唱什么,都充满一种美。[]A.淳朴本色B.纯朴自然C.质朴纯正  2020-06-29 …

水是人类生活不可缺少的物质.日常生活中不少人喜欢喝纯净水,市售的纯净水有些就是蒸馏水.有关这类纯净  2020-07-12 …

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说话就不干脆,拖泥带水怎么改?我在日常生活中不自觉养成的这种坏习惯,说话吞吞吐吐,自己却觉察不到,别  2020-11-08 …

将下列成语搭配起来一箭双雕忘恩负义活灵活现不自量力博学多才一举两得飞蛾扑火见多识广过河拆桥唯妙唯肖  2020-11-15 …